Removal ProcedurePlace the ignition switch in the OFF position.Remove the accessory wiring junction block. Refer toAccessory Wiring Junction Block Replacement.
Remove the brake pressure modulator valve (BPMV)bolt-(1).
Note:Do not pry on the accumulator caps on the underside of theBPMV.
Without disconnecting the brake pipe fittings, carefully liftthe BPMV assembly-(1)-upward to release themounting pins from the BPMV bracket insulators.Position the BPMV assembly aside and secure with heavymechanics wire or equivalent.Remove the-2-BPMV bracketnuts-(1).
Remove the BPMV bracket bolt-(1).
Remove the BPMV bracket-(1).Inspect the insulators for damage and replace, ifnecessary.Installation Procedure
Install the BPMV bracket-(1).
Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Install the BPMV bracket bolt-(1)-andtighten to-10-Y(89-lb-in).Install the BPMV bracket nuts-(1)-andtighten to-10-Y(89-lb-in).
Carefully position the BPMVassembly-(1)-to the BPMV bracketinsulators.
Install the BPMV bolt-(1) and tightento-10-Y(89-lb-in).Install the accessory wiring junction block. Refer toAccessory Wiring Junction Block Replacement.
How to Reinstall the Engine Air Cleaner/Filter
Align the air cleaner/filter with
the indicated point on the base
of the air cleaner/filter housing
and install the air cleaner/filter.
The outer air cleaner/filter seal
must be fitted properly in the
air cleaner/filter housing.
Align the air cleaner/filter
housing cover ...