Removal Procedure
Warning:Refer toBrake Dust Warning.
Raise and support the vehicle. Refer toLifting and Jacking the Vehicle.Remove the tire and wheel assembly. Refer toTire and Wheel Removal and Installation.Disconnect the wheel speed sensor electricalconnector.Remove the front brake hose bracketnut-(1).Release the front wheel speed sensor harness from theretainers on the front brake hose.
Remove the wheel speed sensor bolt-(1).
Remove the wheel speed sensor-(1)-bypulling the sensor straight upward from the steeringknuckle.Installation Procedure
Install the wheel speed sensor-(1)-tothe steering knuckle.
Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Install the wheel speed sensorbolt-(1)-and tighten to-10-Y(89-lb-in).Install the front brake hose bracketnut-(1)-and tighten to-10-Y(89-lb-in).Connect the wheel speed sensor electrical connector.Install the front wheel speed sensor harness to the retainerson the front brake hose.Install the tire and wheel assembly. Refer toTire and Wheel Removal and Installation.
Crankshaft and Bearing Installation Engine Block Cylinder Block Crankshaft
Special ToolsEN-8087Cylinder Bore Checking GaugeEN 45059Angle MeterFor equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.Note:Crankshaft bearings MUST be separated, marked, or organizedin a way to ensure installation to their original location andposition, when suitable for use.If crankshaft bearing ...