Throttle PositionsEngine Braking
A condition where the engine is used to slow the vehicle bymanually downshifting during a zero throttle coastdown.
Full Throttle DownshiftA quick apply of the accelerator pedal to its full travel,forcing a downshift.
Heavy ThrottleApproximately 3/4 of accelerator pedal travel,75-percent throttle position.
Light ThrottleApproximately 1/4 of accelerator pedal travel,25-percent throttle position.
Medium ThrottleApproximately 1/2 of accelerator pedal travel,50-percent throttle position.
Minimum ThrottleThe least amount of throttle opening required for anupshift.
Wide Open Throttle (WOT)Full travel of the accelerator pedal, 100-percentthrottle position.
Zero Throttle CoastdownA full release of the accelerator pedal while the vehicle isin motion and in drive range.
Shift Condition DefinitionsBumpA sudden and forceful apply of a clutch or a band.
ChuggleA bucking or jerking. This condition may be most noticeablewhen the converter clutch is engaged. It is similar to the feel oftowing a trailer.
DelayedA condition where a shift is expected but does not occur fora period of time. This could be described as a clutch or bandengagement that does not occur as quickly as expected during a partthrottle or wide open throttle apply of the accelerator, or duringmanual downshifting to a lower range. This term is also defined asLATE or EXTENDED.
Double Bump – Double FeelTwo sudden and forceful applies of a clutch or a band.
EarlyA condition where the shift occurs before the car has reachedproper speed. This condition tends to labor the engine after theupshift.
End BumpA firmer feel at the end of a shift than at the start of theshift. This is also defined as END FEEL or SLIP BUMP.
FirmA noticeably quick apply of a clutch or band that isconsidered normal with a medium to heavy throttle. This applyshould not be confused with HARSH or ROUGH.
FlareA quick increase in engine RPM along with a momentary loss oftorque. This most generally occurs during a shift. This conditionis also defined as SLIPPING.
Harsh – RoughA more noticeable apply of a clutch or band than FIRM. Thiscondition is considered undesirable at any throttleposition.
HuntingA repeating quick series of upshifts and downshifts thatcauses a noticeable change in engine RPM, such as a4–3–4 shift pattern. This condition is alsodefined as BUSYNESS.
Initial FeelA distinctly firmer feel at the start of a shift than at thefinish of the shift.
LateA shift that occurs when the engine RPM is higher than normalfor a given amount of throttle.
ShudderA repeating jerking condition similar to CHUGGLE but moresevere and rapid. This condition may be most noticeable duringcertain ranges of vehicle speed.
SlippingA noticeable increase in engine RPM without a vehicle speedincrease. A slip usually occurs during or after initial clutch orband apply.
SoftA slow, almost unnoticeable clutch or band apply with verylittle shift feel.
SurgeA repeating engine related condition of acceleration anddeceleration that is less intense than CHUGGLE.
Tie-UpA condition where two opposing clutch and/or bands areattempting to apply at the same time causing the engine to laborwith a noticeable loss of engine RPM.
Noise ConditionsDrive Link NoiseA whine or growl that increases or fades with vehicle speed,and is most noticeable under a light throttle acceleration. It mayalso be noticeable in PARK or NEUTRAL operating ranges with thevehicle stationary.
Final Drive NoiseA hum related to vehicle speed which is most noticeable undera light throttle acceleration.
Planetary Gear NoiseA whine related to vehicle speed, which is most noticeable inFIRST gear, SECOND gear, FOURTH gear or REVERSE. The condition maybecome less noticeable, or go away, after an upshift.
Pump NoiseA high pitched whine that increases in intensity with engineRPM. This condition may also be noticeable in all operating rangeswith the vehicle stationary or moving.
Torque Converter NoiseA whine usually noticed when a vehicle is stopped, and thetransmission is in DRIVE or REVERSE. The noise will increase withengine RPM.
Driver Shift ControlDriver shift control-(DSC) allows the driver tochange gears similar to a manual transmission. Refer to the vehicleowner's manual for specific DSC operating instructions.
Transmission AbbreviationsA/CAir Conditioning
ACAlternating Current
ATAutomatic Transmission
CCClimate Control
DCDirect Current
DICDriver Information Center
DLCDiagnostic Link Connector
DMMDigital Multimeter
DSCDriver Shift Control
DTCDiagnostic Trouble Code
EBTCMElectronic Brake/Traction Control Module
ECCCElectronically-Controlled Capacity Clutch
ECTEngine Coolant Temperature
EMIElectromagnetic Interference
IATIntake Air Temperature
IMSInternal Mode Switch
ISSInput Speed Sensor
MAPManifold Absolute Pressure
MILMalfunction Indicator Lamp
NCNormally Closed
NONormally Open
OBDOn Board Diagnostic
OSSOutput Speed Sensor
PCPressure Control
PCMPowertrain Control Module
PCSPressure Control Solenoid
PSPressure Switch
PWMPulse Width Modulation
RPMRevolutions Per Minute
SSShift Solenoid
STLService Transmission Lamp
TAPTransmission Adaptive Pressure
TCCTorque Converter Clutch
TFPTransmission Fluid Pressure
TFTTransmission Fluid Temperature
TPThrottle Position
VSSVehicle Speed Sensor
WOTWide Open Throttle
Measuring Frequency
Special Tools EL–39200 Digital Multimeter (DMM)For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.Caution:Refer toTest Probe Caution.The following procedure determines the frequency of a signal.Note:Connecting the Digital Multimeter (DMM) to the circuit before pressing the Hz buttonwill allow th ...