The Reset Transmission Adapts is a procedure for automatictransmissions in which the shift pressure learn values of eachindividual clutch is reset to zero or a base calibrated value, inthe transmission control module-(TCM).
Once the transmission adapts are set to zero or a calibratedvalue, the vehicle is then road test under various drive cycleevents for the TCM to relearn shift pressure values for the bestpossible shift feel in all gear ranges.
The Reset Transmission Adapts procedure must be performedwhen one of the following repairs have been made to thetransmission. Failure to perform the procedure after one of thefollowing repairs may result in poor transmission performance, DTCsbeing set, or customer dissatisfaction.
Transmission internal service, repair or overhaulValve body repair or replacementControl solenoid valve assembly replacementAny service/repair in response to a shift qualityconcernInstall any components or connectors that have been removedor replaced during diagnosis.Perform any adjustments, programming or setup procedures thatare required when a component or module is removed orreplaced.Clear the DTCs.Ignition OFF, all vehicle systems OFF, this may take up to2-minutes.Note:Do not cycle or turn the ignition switch OFF until directedto do so below.
Ignition ON, engine running, with a scan tool ResetTransmission Adapts.Perform theRoad Test.Ignition OFF for 2-minutes.Transmission Indicators and Messages Automatic Transmission Unit
The following transmission-related indicators andmessages may be displayed on the Instrument PanelCluster-(IPC). For a complete listing and description ofall vehicle indicators and messages, refer toIndicator/Warning Message Description and Operation."TRANSMISSION HOT IDLE ENGINE"This message is dis ...