Distraction comes in many forms and can take your focus from the task of driving. Exercise good judgment and do not let other activities divert your attention away from the road. Many local governments have enacted laws regarding driver distraction. Become familiar with the local laws in your area.
To avoid distracted driving, keep your eyes on the road, keep your hands on the steering wheel, and focus your attention on driving.
Use a hands-free method to place or receive necessary phone calls.
Program all trip information into any navigation device prior to driving.
Taking your eyes off the road too
long or too often could cause a
crash resulting in injury or death. Focus your attention on driving. |
Refer to the infotainment manual for more information on using that system and the navigation system, if equipped, including pairing and using a cell phone.
Tire and Wheel Inspection
The tires on all new production models have a tireperformance criteria (TPC) rating number molded on the sidewall.The TPC rating will appear as a 4-digit number preceded by theletters TPC-SPEC on the tire wall near the tire size. Areplacement tire should have the same TPC rating.Tire Wear(1)HardCorn ...