Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Owners Manual: Vehicle Design

Utility vehicles have a significantly higher rollover rate than other types of vehicles. This is because they have a higher ground clearance and a narrower track or shorter wheelbase than passenger cars, which makes them more capable for off-road driving. While these design characteristics provide the driver with a better view of the road, these vehicles do have a higher center of gravity than other types of vehicles.

A utility vehicle does not handle the same as a vehicle with a lower center of gravity, like a car, in similar situations.

Safe driver behavior and understanding of the environment can help avoid a rollover crash in any type of vehicle, including utility vehicles.

Driving Environment
Be prepared for driving in inclement weather, at night, or during other times where visibility or traction may be limited, such as on curves, slippery roads, or hilly terrain. Unfamiliar surrou ...

Distracted Driving
Distraction comes in many forms and can take your focus from the task of driving. Exercise good judgment and do not let other activities divert your attention away from the road. Many local gove ...

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Note:The lower crankcase surface must be free of contaminationprior to applying the sealer.Install and align the oil pan to block within20-minutes of applying the sealer.The oil pan must be fastened to final torque specificationwithin 60-minutes of applying the sealer.Apply a 2.25-mm bead of sealer- ...

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