Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Drive Range, First Gear (Gen 2/Hybrid) Automatic Transmission Unit

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Transmission/Transaxle / Drive Range, First Gear (Gen 2/Hybrid) Automatic Transmission Unit

As the vehicle speed increases, the transmission controlmodule (TCM) receives input signals from the automatic transmissioninput and output speed sensors, throttle position sensor and othervehicle sensors to determine the precise moment to de-energize or“turn OFF” the shift solenoid, and to commandOFF the normally-high R1/456 pressure control solenoid.

Low & Reverse Clutch Releases

Shift Solenoid

The shift solenoid is commanded OFF allowing shift solenoidfluid pressure to exhaust from the clutch select valve, the defaultoverride valve, and the TCC regulator apply valve.

Clutch Select Valve

Shift solenoid fluid is exhausted from the clutch selectvalve and clutch select valve spring force moves the valve to thereleased position. This allows R1 fluid pressure to pass throughthe valve into the exhaust backfill circuit. Drive fluid from themanual valve passes through the clutch select valve and enters thedrive 1-6 fluid circuit. Drive 1-6 fluid is routed to the R1/4-5-6clutch regulator valve, the 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve, andthe TCC regulator apply valve.

Low and Reverse Clutch

Low and reverse clutch spring force moves the low and reverseclutch piston to release the low and reverse clutch plates andforce R1 fluid to exhaust from the case assembly. The exhausting R1fluid is routed to the clutch select valve where it enters theexhaust backfill circuit.

Fluid Pressure Directed in Preparation for a Shift

R1/456 Pressure Control (PC) Solenoid

The R1/456 PC solenoid is commanded OFF allowing PCS R1/456clutch fluid to exhaust from the R1/4-5-6 clutch regulator valveand the R1/4-5-6 clutch boost valve.

R1/4-5-6 Clutch Regulator Valve

R1/4-5-6 clutch regulator valve spring force moves the valveto the released position, allowing R1/456 clutch feed fluid toenter the exhaust backfill circuit, and drive 1-6 fluid to enterthe latch fluid circuit. Latch fluid is routed to the #1 ball checkvalve.

#1 Ball Check Valve

Latch fluid pressure seats the #1 ball check valve againstthe 456 clutch fluid circuit. Latch fluid is then directed to theclutch select valve. Latch fluid combines with clutch select valvespring force and holds the valve in this position during all sixforward gear ranges.

#2 Ball Check Valve

Drive 1-6 fluid pressure seats the #2 ball check valveagainst the 35 reverse clutch feed fluid passage, and is directedinto the 35 reverse clutch feed/drive 1-6 circuit. 35 reverseclutch feed/drive 1-6 fluid is routed to the #3 ball checkvalve.

#3 Ball Check Valve

35 reverse clutch feed/drive 1-6 fluid pressure unseats the#3 ball check valve and is directed to the 3-5-reverse clutchregulator valve.

Fluid Pressure Directed in Preparation for Torque ConverterClutch (TCC) Apply

TCC Regulator Apply Valve

Drive 1-6 fluid is routed to the TCC regulator apply valve inpreparation for TCC apply.

Drive Range, FirstGear-–-Gen 2/Hybrid

Drive Range, First Gear (Gen 2/Hybrid) Automatic Transmission Unit


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