As the vehicle speed increases, the transmission control module-(TCM) receives inputsignals from the automatic transmission input and output speed sensors, the throttleposition sensor and other vehicle sensors to determine the precise moment to commandON the normally-low 26-pressure control solenoid-4-(PCS). At the same time the normally-high35R-pressure control solenoid-2 is commanded OFF.
2-6 Clutch Applies26 Pressure Control Solenoid 4
The 26-pressure control solenoid-4 is commanded ON, allowing actuator feed fluid toenter the PCS-26-clutch fluid circuit. PCS-26 fluid is routed through orifice-#32and then to the 2-6-clutch regulator valve.
2-6 Clutch Regulator Valve
PCS-26-clutch fluid moves the 2-6-clutch regulator valve assembly against the 2-6-clutchregulator valve spring force to allow 26-clutch/1234-clutch feed fluid to pass throughthe valve. The 26-clutch/1234-clutch feed fluid is routed into the 26-clutch fluidcircuit where it passes through orifice-#46 and then to the spring end of the 2-6-clutchregulator valve,and to the 2-6-clutch.
2-6 Clutch
The 26-clutch fluid from the 2-6-clutch regulator valve is routed to the 2-6-clutchpiston assembly. The 26-clutch fluid pressure moves the piston against 2-6-clutchspring force to apply the 2-6- clutch plates.
3-5 Clutch Releases35R Pressure Control Solenoid 2
The 35R-pressure control solenoid-2 is commanded OFF, allowing PCS- 35-reverse clutchfluid from the 3-5-reverse clutch boost valve and the 3-5-reverse clutch regulatorvalve to exhaust through the solenoid.
3-5 Reverse Clutch Boost Valve
The 3-5-reverse boost valve spring force moves the valve to allow 35-reverse clutchfeedback fluid from the 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve to enter the 35-reverseclutch circuit and exhaust.
3-5 Reverse Clutch Regulator Valve
The 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve spring force moves the valve to allow actuatorfeed limit fluid to pass through the valve and enter the PS2 fluid circuit which opensPS2. The 35-reverse clutch fluid then enters the exhaust backfill fluid circuit andis routed through orifice-#30 to the exhaust backfill pressure relief valve whereexcess pressure is exhausted.
3-5 Reverse Clutch
The 3-5 reverse clutch spring force moves the 3-5 reverse clutch piston to releasethe 3-5 clutch plates and forces 35 reverse clutch fluid to exhaust from 3-5 reverse/456clutch housing. The 35 reverse clutch fluid is then routed to the 3-5 reverse clutchregulator valve where it exhaust excess pressure.
Drive Range, Sixth GearRear Disc Brake Mounting and Hardware Inspection Disc Brakes
Warning:Refer toBrake Dust Warning.Inspect the fluid level in the brake master cylinder reservoir.If the brake fluid level is midway between the maximum–full point and the minimumallowable level then no brake fluid needs to be removed from the reservoir beforeproceeding.If the brake fluid level is ...