Installation Instructions Part Number
Note:Please read instructions thoroughly before starting.
Front Fender Mud Flap Kit ContentsItem No.
1 | 1 | Left Hand Mud Flap |
2 | 1 | Right Hand Mud Flap |
3 | 4 | #10 Spring Clips |
4 | 8 | #10 x 3/4” Screws |
5 | 1 | Alcohol Wipes |
7 | Installation Instructions |
Note:Turning of front wheels to the left or right will allow foradditional clearance when installing the mud flaps.
Clean and degrease body panel-(10) where frontfender mud flaps-(9) are to be located.Using 50% alcohol and water, clean area to be taped.
Note:Parts and vehicle temperature must be between 61°Fand 86°F (16°C and 31°C).
Remove existing push-pins from mountingholes-(6),(8).Note:Install supplied spring clips with turned up edge on insideof panel edge.
Pull liner-(11) forward and install suppliedspring clips-(4) over mountingholes-(6),(8).Mount front fender mud flap-(9) and installsupplied screws-(1) to mounting holes-(6),(8)while holding front fender mud flap-(9) up and into bodypanel-(10).While holding front fender mud flap-(9) firmlyagainst body panel-(10), mark and drill 3/32' (2.5mm)center pilot holes in locations-(5),(7), use frontfender mud flap-(9) as template.While holding front fender mud flap-(9) firmlyagainst body panel-(10), install the suppliedscrews-(2) to mounting holes-(5),(7)Note:Do not overtighten screws.
Push front fender mud flap-(9) forward and pulltape liner off using tab-(3) and apply twenty to thirtypounds of pressure along tape length to ensure contact.Repeat procedure for other side.Note:Mud flaps can be cleaned with any commercially availablecleaner.
Engine Block Cleaning and Inspection Engine Block
Special ToolsEN-8087Cylinder Bore GaugeGE-7872Magnetic Base Dial IndicatorFor equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.Clean the sealing material from the gasket matingsurfaces-(2) with a suitable tool-(1).Clean the engine block and lower crankcase in a cleaning tankwith solvent appropriate ...