Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Rear Mud Flap Package Installation Moldings

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / Body Exterior / Rear Mud Flap Package Installation Moldings

Installation Instructions Part Number


Note:Please read instructions thoroughly before starting.

Rear Mud Flap Kit Contents

Item No.





Left Hand Mud Flap



Right Hand Mud Flap



#10 Spring Clips



#10 x 3/4” Screws



Alcohol Wipes


Installation Instructions

Tools Required#2 Phillips ScrewdriverDrill¼ (6.3mm) Drill BitFlat Blade ScrewdriverClean Cloth/RagInstallation Procedure

Rear Mud Flap Package Installation Moldings

Clean and degrease body panel-(12) where rear mudflaps-(10) are to be located.Using 50% alcohol and water, clean area to be taped.

Note:Parts and vehicle temperature must be between 61°Fand 86°F (16°C and 31°C).

Remove existing push-pin from mountinghole-(9)

Note:Install supplied spring clips with turned up edge on insideof panel edge.

Pull liner-(13) forward and install suppliedspring clip-(4) over mountinghole-(9).Mount rear mud flap-(10) and position inner tabbehind liner-(13). Installed suppliedscrew-(1) to mounting hole-(9), while holdingrear mud flap-(10) up and into bodypanel-(12).While holding rear mud flap-(10) firmly againstbody panel-(12), mark and drill ¼”(6.2mm) mounting holes in location-(6),(8), use rear mudflap-(10) as template.Install supplied screws-(2),(11) to mountingholes-(6),(8), use spring clips-(5),(7) asnuts. Tighten screws-(1),(2),(11) while holding rear mudflap-(10) firmly against bodypanel-(12).Push rear mud flap-(10) forward and pull tapeliner off using tab-(3) and apply twenty to thirtypounds of pressure along tape length to ensure contact.Repeat procedure for other side.

Note:Mud flaps can be cleaned with any commercially availablecleaner.

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