Special ToolsEL-38125-10 Splice Sleeve Crimping ToolDuraSeal splice sleevesA wire stripping tool
For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.
The DuraSeal splice sleeves have the following 2-critical features:
A special heat shrink sleeve environmentally seals the splice. The heat shrink sleevecontains a sealing adhesive inside.A cross hatched (knurled) core crimp provides necessary contact integrity for thesensitive, low energy circuits.The GM Local Area Network (GMLAN) System requires special wiring repair proceduresdue to the sensitive nature of the circuitry. Follow the specific procedures and instructionswhen working on GMLAN connectors and terminals.
GMLAN RepairsNote:When making a repair to any GMLAN network, the original wire length after the repairmust be the same length as before the repair. If the network is a twisted pair, thetwist must be maintained after the repair is completed.
GMLAN has 2-types of networks, low speed and high speed. Low speed GMLAN has a singlewire and works at slow speeds. High speed GMLAN has 2-wires in a twisted pair andworks at higher speeds. For more information on GMLAN, refer toData Link Communications Description and Operation.
GMLAN Connector Terminal RepairNote:A terminated lead can be used to replace damaged connector terminals for both highspeed and low speed GMLAN systems. When making a connector terminal repair on a GMLANhigh speed system with twisted pair wires, do not untwist the wires more than necessaryto make the repair.
If the individual terminals are damaged on any GMLAN connection, use the appropriateconnector repair procedure in order to repair the terminal. Refer toConnector Repairsfor the appropriate connector repair procedure.
GMLAN Wire RepairNote:Refer to Wiring Repairs in the service information connector end views or the vehicleschematics in order to determine the correct wire size for the circuit you are repairing.You must obtain this information in order to ensure circuit integrity.
If any wire except the pigtail is damaged, repair the wire by splicing in a new sectionof wire of the same gauge size (0.5-mm², 0.8-mm², 1.0-mm² etc.). Use the DuraSealsplice sleeves and EL-38125-10 tool. For wiring repair, refer toSplicing Copper Wire Using Splice Sleeves.
#PIC5932: Questionnaire for Bluetooth Related Concerns - (Nov 1, 2013)
Subject:Questionnaire for Bluetooth Related ConcernsModels: 2006 - 2014 GM Passenger Cars and Light Duty Trucks Equipped With Bluetooth The following diagnosis might be helpful if the vehicle exhibits the symptom(s) describedin this PI.Condition/ConcernSome customers may complain of various con ...