Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Power Vacuum Brake Booster Replacement Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Chassis / Brakes / Power Vacuum Brake Booster Replacement Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Removal Procedure

Warning:Refer toBrake Fluid Irritant Warning.

Caution:Refer toBrake Fluid Effects on Paint and Electrical Components Caution.

Remove the vacuum brake booster vacuum sensor and hose fromthe vacuum brake booster and position aside. Refer toPower Brake Booster Vacuum Sensor Replacement.Remove the master cylinder. Refer toMaster Cylinder Replacement.Remove the brake pressure modulator valve (BPMV). Refer toBrake Pressure Modulator Valve Replacement.Remove the BPMV bracket. Refer toBrake Pressure Modulator Valve Bracket Replacement.

Power Vacuum Brake Booster Replacement Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Remove the brake pedal position sensor. Refer toBrake Pedal Position Sensor Replacement.Remove the vacuum brake booster pushrod retainernut-(1).Disconnect the vacuum brake booster pushrod from the brakepedal.

Power Vacuum Brake Booster Replacement Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Remove the-4-vacuum brake boosternuts-(1).

Power Vacuum Brake Booster Replacement Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Carefully pull the vacuum brake booster forward until themounting studs clear the dash panel.

Note:Ensure the foam insulator on the mounting surface of thevacuum brake booster withdraws with the booster.

Remove the vacuum brake booster-(1).

Power Vacuum Brake Booster Replacement Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Inspect the vacuum brake boostergasket-(1)-for damage and replace ifnecessary.Installation Procedure

Power Vacuum Brake Booster Replacement Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Install the vacuum brake boostergasket-(1).

Power Vacuum Brake Booster Replacement Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Note:Ensure the foam insulator on the mounting surface of thevacuum brake booster is properly installed on the booster.

While guiding the brake booster pushrod and mounting studsthrough the dash panel, install the vacuum brakebooster-(1).

Power Vacuum Brake Booster Replacement Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.

Install the vacuum brake boosternuts-(1)-and tighten to-25-Y(18-lb-ft)..

Power Vacuum Brake Booster Replacement Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Connect the vacuum brake booster pushrod to the brakepedal.Install the vacuum brake booster pushrod retainer.Rotate the vacuum brake booster pushrodretainer-360-degrees to ensure it is properlyinstalled.Install the vacuum brake booster pushrod retainernut-(1)-and tighten to-25-Y(18-lb-ft)..Install the brake pedal position sensor. Refer toBrake Pedal Position Sensor Replacement.Install the BPMV bracket. Refer toBrake Pressure Modulator Valve Bracket Replacement.Install the BPMV. Refer toBrake Pressure Modulator Valve Replacement.Install the master cylinder. Refer toMaster Cylinder Replacement.

Power Vacuum Brake Booster Replacement Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Install the vacuum brake booster vacuumsensor-(1)-and hose to the vacuum brakebooster. Refer toPower Brake Booster Vacuum Sensor Replacement.

Rear Brake Hose Replacement
Removal ProcedureWarning:Refer toBrake Fluid Irritant Warning.Caution:Refer toBrake Fluid Effects on Paint and Electrical Components Caution.Raise and support the vehicle. Refer toLifting and Jacking ...

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Removal ProcedureWarning:Refer toBrake Fluid Irritant Warning.Caution:Refer toBrake Fluid Effects on Paint and Electrical Components Caution.Using a suitable tool, remove the brake fluid from the brak ...

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