Removal Procedure
Warning:Refer toBrake Fluid Irritant Warning.
Caution:Refer toBrake Fluid Effects on Paint and Electrical Components Caution.
Using a suitable tool, remove the brake fluid from the brakemaster cylinder reservoir.Discard the brake fluid into an approved container.Disconnect the master cylinder fluid level sensor electricalconnector-(1).Remove and discard the master cylinder reservoir retainingpins-(2)-by compressing the lockingtabs.
Carefully remove the master cylinderreservoir-(1)-by pulling the reservoirstraight up.
Remove the master cylinder reservoirseals-(1).Installation ProcedureLubricate the master cylinder reservoir seals with GMapproved brake fluid from a clean, sealed brake fluidcontainer.
Install the master cylinder reservoirseals-(1).
Install the master cylinderreservoir-(1)-to the master cylinder.Ensure the master cylinder reservoir bayonets are fullyseated in the master cylinder.
Connect the master cylinder fluid level sensor electricalconnector-(1).Install new master cylinder reservoir retainingpins-(2).Ensure the retaining pins are fully seated and the lockingtabs are fully deployed.Fill the master cylinder reservoir to the proper level. RefertoMaster Cylinder Reservoir Filling.Observe the brake pedal feel after filling the mastercylinder reservoir. If the pedal feels spongy, bleed the hydraulicbrake system. Refer toHydraulic Brake System Bleeding.
Crankshaft Balancer Replacement Engine Block Cylinder Block Crankshaft
Special ToolsEN-38416-2 Crankshaft ButtonEN-41816 Crankshaft Balancer RemoverEN-41998-B Crankshaft Balancer InstallerEN-45059 Angle MeterEN-46106 Flywheel Holding ToolFor equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.Removal ProcedureRemove the drive belt. Refer toDrive Belt Replacement.Remove th ...