The ignition lock cylinder uses 8-key cutpositions, 1–8. The ignition cylindertumblers-(3) are located on alternate sides of thecylinder-(5). They are not snap-in and are notself-retaining. It follows the key code with the first tumblerbeing the first depth of the key code, closest to the head of thekey.
Note:All lock cylinders for side milled keys have right and lefttumblers. The location of the tooth of the tumbler determineswhether it is right of left. Illustrations in this procedure showthe right tumblers on the top and the left tumblers on the bottom.All tumblers are marked 1R, 1L, 2R, or 2L. The number being cutdepth and the letter meaning right or left.
Hold the ignition cylinder assembly-(5) so theside with the tumbler spring pocket located closest to the head ofthe cylinder is facing up.Insert the tumbler spring-(7) into each of the4-spring pockets of the cylinder assembly. This side ofthe cylinder used left tumblers.The first tumbler-(3) to be loaded will be thefirst key cut position, which is the first number in the key code.Install the tumbler in the slot over the spring. Install theremaining right tumblers following the key code and same process,pressing the tumblers in place until they are secure.Rotate the cylinder assembly. Insert the tumbler spring intoeach of the spring pockets of the cylinder assembly. This side ofthe cylinder used right tumblers.The first tumbler-(3) to be loaded will be thesecond key cut position, the second number in the key code. Installthe first tumbler in the slot over the spring. Install theremaining left tumblers following the key code and same process,pressing the tumblers in place until they are secure.Inspect for correct loading of the tumblers by inserting thekey into the cylinder. All tumblers should drop flush with the lockcylinder body diameter.With the key in the cylinder assembly insert the roundconnector-(6), insert the retainer spring-(2)in the retainer slot located in the cylinder assembly. Insert theretainer-(1) lining it up in the slot over the spring.Depress the retainer and hold.Insert the cylinder into the sleeve-(4) as shownin the print. Make sure the actuator stays located properly in thecylinder.When the key is removed, the lock should staytogether.Lightly lubricate the outside surface in the tumbler area ofin the lock body and down the key slot using the provided grease.Insert and extract the key 5-times to lubricate thekeyway.Insert the key and function the lock 3-times todistribute the grease inside the sleeve.Verify the key position for inserting the lock into thecolumn.Battery Positive Cable Replacement (LFX) Low Voltage Battery
Removal ProcedureRecord all of the radio station presets.Disconnect the battery negative cable. Refer toBattery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection.Remove the ECM mounting bracket.Remove the battery positive post clampnut-(2).Remove the battery retainer bracket and the battery. Refer toBatte ...