Special Tools
J-21177-ADrum-to-Brake Shoe Clearance Gauge
Warning:Refer toBrake Dust Warning.
Apply and fully release the park brake.Verify that the park brake pedal releases completely.Turn ON the ignition. Verify the BRAKE indicator lamp isoff.If the BRAKE indicator lamp is on, ensure the park brakepedal is in release mode and has fully returned to the stop. Removethe slack in the front park brake cable by pulling downward on thecable.Raise and support the vehicle. Refer toLifting and Jacking the Vehicle.Remove the rear tire and wheel assemblies. Refer toTire and Wheel Removal and Installation.Loosen the locknut-(1)-at the parkbrake cable equalizer to relieve tension on the park brakesystem.Remove the rear brake rotors. Refer toRear Brake Rotor Replacement.Using appropriate cleaning equipment, clean the parking brakecomponents of any accumulated dust.
Set theJ-21177-ADrum-to-Brake Shoe Clearance Gaugeinside of the park brake drum-(1)-atthe widest point.Place the contacts on the tool to the widest point of thedrum.Tighten the set screw on the tool to ensure the propermeasurement when removing the tool from the drum.
Position theJ-21177-ADrum-to-Brake Shoe Clearance Gaugeover the park brake shoe-(1)-at thewidest point.Turn the adjuster screw until the park brake shoe justcontacts theJ-21177-ADrum-to-Brake Shoe Clearance Gauge.Repeat steps-7–9-for theopposite side.Install the rear brake rotors. Refer toRear Brake Rotor Replacement.Install the rear tire and wheel assemblies. Refer toTire and Wheel Removal and Installation.
Adjust the park brake by turning thelocknut-(1)-at the equalizer while spinningboth rear wheels. When either rear wheel starts to drag, back offthe locknut one full turn.Lower the vehicle to curb height.Apply the park brake, then inspect for rotation of the rearwheels. If the rear wheels rotate during this inspection, thenreadjust the park brake shoes.Release the park brake. Verify the rear wheels rotatefreely.Lower the vehicle.
#PIC5611B: Diagnostic Tip - Rear Camera Guideline Selection Is Not Available on Some Radio RPOs - (Nov 15, 2013) Entertainment Audio
Subject:Diagnostic Tip - Rear Camera Guideline Selection Is Not Available on Some Radio RPOsModels: 2012-2013 Buick Lacrosse, Regal2012-2014 Buick Verano2013-2014 Buick Encore2012-2014 Chevrolet Camaro, Cruze, Equinox, Malibu 2012-2014 GMC TerrainThis PI was superseded to update model list. Please ...