Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Parking Brake Rear Cable Replacement (Right) Parking Brake

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Chassis / Brakes / Parking Brake Rear Cable Replacement (Right) Parking Brake

Special Tools

J-37043Parking Brake Cable Release Tool

Removal ProcedureRelease the park brake.Raise and support the vehicle. Refer toLifting and Jacking the Vehicle.

Parking Brake Rear Cable Replacement (Right) Parking Brake

Loosen, but do not remove the park brake equalizerlocknut-(1).

Parking Brake Rear Cable Replacement (Right) Parking Brake

Disconnect the front park brakecable-(1)-from the right park brakecable.Using theJ-37043Parking Brake Cable Release Tool, release the park brake cable from the park brakeequalizer-(2)-by compressing the locking tabson the cable conduit-(3).

Parking Brake Rear Cable Replacement (Right) Parking Brake

Remove the-2-park brake cable bracketbolts located on top of the crossmember above the rear suspensionmodule.Remove the park brake cable bracket bolt from the lowertrailing arm.

Parking Brake Rear Cable Replacement (Right) Parking Brake

Disconnect the park brake cableeyelet-(1)-from the park brakeactuator.Using theJ-37043Parking Brake Cable Release Tool, compress the locking tabs on the park brake cableconduit.Remove the park brake cable from the cablebracket-(2).Installation ProcedurePosition the park brake cable over the rear suspensionmodule.

Parking Brake Rear Cable Replacement (Right) Parking Brake

Connect the park brake cableeyelet-(1)-to the park brake actuator.Compress the park brake cable spring and install the parkbrake cable to the cable bracket-(2).Ensure the locking tabs on the cable conduit are fullyengaged to the cable bracket.

Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.

Install the park brake cable bracket bolt to the lowertrailing arm and tighten to-25-Y(18-lb-ft).

Parking Brake Rear Cable Replacement (Right) Parking Brake

Install the-2-park brake cable bracketbolts and tighten to-25-Y(18-lb-ft).Position the park brake cable to the equalizer.

Parking Brake Rear Cable Replacement (Right) Parking Brake

Connect the front park brakecable-(1)-to the right park brakecable.Install the park brake cable to the park brakeequalizer-(2).Ensure the locking tabs on the cableconduit-(3)-are fully engaged to theequalizer.

Parking Brake Rear Cable Replacement (Right) Parking Brake

Loosely install the park brake equalizerlocknut-(1).Adjust the park brake. Refer toParking Brake Adjustment.

Parking Brake Lever Replacement Parking Brake Lever or Pedal
Special ToolsJ-37043Parking Brake Cable Release ToolRemoval ProcedureRaise and support the vehicle. Refer toLifting and Jacking the Vehicle.Loosen the park brake cablelocknut-(1)-at the equalizer to r ...

Parking Brake Rear Cable Replacement (Left) Parking Brake
Special ToolsJ-37043Parking Brake Cable Release ToolRemoval ProcedureRelease the park brake.Raise and support the vehicle. Refer toLifting and Jacking the Vehicle.Remove the park brake equalizerlocknu ...

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