Removal ProcedurePlace drain pans under the vehicle.Remove the intake manifold cover. Refer toIntake Manifold Cover Replacement.Remove as much power steering fluid from the upper powersteering fluid reservoir as possible.Remove the front bumper fascia. Refer toFront Bumper Fascia Replacement.
Disconnect the power steering fluid coolingpipe-(1) from the power steeringgear-(2).
Disconnect the power steering fluid coolingpipe-(1) from the lower power steering fluidreservoir-(2).Remove the power steering fluid cooling pipebolt-(5) from the bracket-(4).Disconnect the power steering fluid cooling pipeclip-(3) from the bracket.
Remove the power steering fluid cooling pipenut-(2) and disconnect the bracket from the stud.
Remove the 2-power steering fluid cooling pipebolts-(1) from the front bumper impact bar.Disconnect the 3-power steering fluid cooling pipeclips-(2).Remove the power steering fluid cooling pipe-(3)from the vehicle.Installation Procedure
Position the power steering fluid cooling pipe-(3)in the vehicle.Connect the 3-power steering fluid cooling pipeclips-(2).
Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Install the 2-power steering fluid cooling pipebolts-(1) to the front bumper impact bar and tighten to9-Y(80-lb-in).Connect the power steering fluid cooling pipe bracket to thestud. Install the power steering fluid cooling pipenut-(2) and tighten to9-Y(80-lb-in).
Connect the power steering fluid cooling pipeclip-(3) to the bracket-(4).Install the power steering fluid cooling pipebolt-(5) to the bracket and tighten to9-Y(80-lb-in).Connect the power steering fluid cooling pipe-(1)to the reservoir-(2).
Connect the power steering fluid cooling pipe-(1)to the power steering gear-(2). Tighten the fitting to34-Y(25-lb-ft).Fill and bleed the power steering system. Refer toPower Steering System Bleeding.Clean any excess power steering fluid from thevehicle.Remove the drain pans.Install the front bumper fascia. Refer toFront Bumper Fascia Replacement.Install the intake manifold cover. Refer toIntake Manifold Cover Replacement.
Collision Damage Repair
If the vehicle is involved in a collision and it is damaged,have the damage repaired by a qualified technician using the properequipment and quality replacement parts. Poorly performed collisionrepairs diminish the vehicle resale value, and safety performancecan be compromised in subsequent collisio ...