Removal ProcedureRemove 1-steering gear boot. Refer toSteering Gear Boot Replacement.Turn the steering wheel in order to position the steeringgear rack so that only 2 rack teeth and the flat surface of therack are visible outside the steering gear housing.If equipped with a hydraulic power steering gear, bend thetabs on the steering gear rack thrust washer in order to releasethe steering linkage inner tie rod.
Place a soft jaw pipe wrench or soft jaw pliers on the flatsurface of the steering gear rack-(3) between thesteering gear housing-(4) and the inner tie rodhousing-(2).Place a crows foot wrench on the flats of the inner tie rodhousing-(2).
Caution:Do not change the steering gear preload adjustment beforemoving the inner tie rod from the steering gear. Changing thesteering gear preload adjustment before moving the inner tie rodcould result in damage to the pinion and the steering gear.
Rotate the steering linkage inner tie rod housingcounterclockwise while holding the steering gear rack stationaryuntil the steering linkage inner tie rod separates from thesteering gear rack.If equipped with a hydraulic power steering gear, remove thesteering gear rack thrust washer.Discard the washer.
Installation ProcedureIf equipped with a hydraulic power steering gear, positionthe NEW steering gear rack thrust washer-(1).Install the steering linkage inner tie rod-(2) tothe steering gear rack.
Place a soft jaw pipe wrench or soft jaw pliers on the flatsurface of the steering gear rack-(3) between thesteering gear housing-(4) and the inner tie rodhousing-(2).
Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Place a torque wrench with a crows foot wrench attachment onthe flats of the inner tie rod housing and tighten to105-Y(77-lb-ft).If equipped with a hydraulic power steering gear, bend thetabs over on the steering gear rack thrust washer in order tosecure the inner tie rod.Install the steering gear boot. Refer toSteering Gear Boot Replacement.Instrument Panel
Air Vents.
Turn Signal Lever. See Turn
and Lane-Change Signals.
IntelliBeam System Button (If
Equipped). See Exterior Lamp
Instrument Cluster.
Driver Information Center (DIC)
Display. See Driver Information
Center (DIC).
Windshield Wiper/Washer.
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