Removal ProcedureRemove the rear seat. Refer toRear Seat Removal and Installation.Remove the rear seat center seat belt anchor bolt and belt from the frame only. RefertoRear Seat Center Belt Replacement.Remove the rear seat buckle side belt. Refer toRear Seat Buckle Side Belt Replacement.Remove the rear seat recliner inner finish cover. Refer toRear Seat Recliner Inner Finish Cover Replacement.Remove the rear seat recliner outer finish cover. Refer toRear Seat Recliner Outer Finish Cover Replacement.Remove the rear seat outer recliner rear finish cover. Refer toRear Seat Outer Recliner Rear Finish Cover Replacement.Remove the rear seat cushion frame. Refer toRear Seat Cushion Frame Replacement.
Disengage all of the J-Retainers and straps (1) securing the trim to the rear benchcushion frame.
Disengage the two center Velcro® strips (1) that run down the center of the cushions.Lift up the trim to expose the edge of the Velcro® strips.Run your hand between the foam to the trim to disengage the trim loops from the hooksin the foam.
Depress the foam (1) at the end of the trench and pull the bead up and over the edgeof the trench
Push the foam (1) down and slide the bead over the edge to free the bead from thetrench.
The end of the bead (1) should now sit on top of the foam.
All four of the beads (1) should now be out of the trenches and resting overtop ofthe foam.
Alternating from the left hand side (1) to the right hand side (2) of the bench. Beginto slide the beads through the clips.
Grasp the trim on the left hand side (1) with both hands, one on each of the outerbead seams and gently pull the trim towards yourself. Slide the trim off until youfeel tension then move over to the right hand side (2) and repeat. Continue alternatingback and forth between the two sides until the trim slides off of the foam.Continue alternating back and forth between the two sides until the trim cover slidesoff of the foam pad.Installation Procedure
Install the rear seat cushion trim cover (1) to the cushion foam pad (2) by pushingdown on the trim cover beads to engage to the clips in the foam pad.Install the rear seat cushion cover by pulling the cover tightly in all corners toensure that no creasing occurs.Install the rear seat cushion frame. Refer toRear Seat Cushion Frame ReplacementInstall the rear seat outer recliner rear finish cover. Refer toRear Seat Outer Recliner Rear Finish Cover Replacement.Install the rear seat recliner outer finish cover. Refer toRear Seat Recliner Outer Finish Cover ReplacementInstall the rear seat recliner inner finish cover. Refer toRear Seat Recliner Inner Finish Cover Replacement.Install the rear seat buckle side belt. Refer toRear Seat Buckle Side Belt Replacement.Install the rear seat center seat belt anchor bolt and belt from the frame only. RefertoRear Seat Center Belt Replacement.Install the rear seat. Refer toRear Seat Removal and Installation.
High Strength Low Alloy Steel
This information provides repair recommendations and generalguidelines for steel classified as High Strength Low Alloy Steel,also known as HSLA. This type of steel normally has a tensilestrength range from 300–700-MPa.General Motors recommends the following when repairing orreplacing this type of ...