Preliminary ProcedureRaise and support the vehicle. Refer toLifting and Jacking the Vehicle.Remove the rear tires and wheel assembly's, if needed. Refer toTire and Wheel Removal and Installation | |
1 | Rear Stabilizer Shaft Nut. Caution:Refer toFastener Caution. ProcedureNote:Install the stabilizer shaft link in the lower control arm before installing it inthe stabilizer shaft. Loosen the rear stabilizer shaft insulators bolts. Refer toStabilizer Shaft Link Replacement.Use the proper size TORX©-bit to hold the stabilizer ball stud.Tighten95-Y (70-lb-ft) |
2 | Stabilizer Shaft Link |
3 | Stabilizer Shaft Bushing (Upper) |
4 | Stabilizer Shaft Bushing (Lower) |
5 | Stabilizer Shaft Nut Tighten15-Y (11-lb-ft) |
Cooling Fan and Shroud Replacement (LEA) Engine Cooling Radiator Fan
Engine Coolant Fan Shroud ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProceduresReposition radiator. Refer toRadiator Replacement.Unclip transmission cooler lines from shroud.Unclip air conditioning lines from shroud.Disconnect engine coolant fan motor electricalconnector.Disconnect engine coolant f ...