Caution:Do not heat wheels in an attempt to soften them forstraightening or repair damage from striking curbs, etc. Do notweld wheels. The alloy used in these wheels is heat-treated anduncontrolled heating from welding affects the properties of thematerial.
Caution:The use of tubes in tubeless tires is not a recommendedrepair due to the fact that speed ratings are greatlyreduced.
If leaks are found in a steel wheel, replace the wheel with awheel of original equipment quality.
#05-09-40-002G: Safety Belt Locking Conditions (Normal Operating Characteristics) - (Jun 18, 2013) Primary Seat Belts
Subject:Safety Belt Locking Conditions (Normal Operating Characteristic)Models: 2005-2014 GM Passenger Cars and Light Duty Trucks This bulletin has been revised to add the 2013-2014 model years. Please discard CorporateBulletin Number 05-09-40-002F.The purpose of this bulletin is to explain whe ...