Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Steel Wheel Repair Description Wheels

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Chassis / Wheels/Tires / Steel Wheel Repair Description Wheels

Caution:Do not heat wheels in an attempt to soften them forstraightening or repair damage from striking curbs, etc. Do notweld wheels. The alloy used in these wheels is heat-treated anduncontrolled heating from welding affects the properties of thematerial.

Caution:The use of tubes in tubeless tires is not a recommendedrepair due to the fact that speed ratings are greatlyreduced.

If leaks are found in a steel wheel, replace the wheel with awheel of original equipment quality.

Caster Description Wheels
Caster is the tilting of the uppermost point of the steeringaxis either forward or backward, when viewed from the side of thevehicle. A backward tilt is positive-(+) and a forwardtilt is negative-(− ...

Tire Dismounting and Mounting Wheels
Caution:Use a tire changing machine in order to dismount tires. Donot use hand tools or tire irons alone in order to remove the tirefrom the wheel. Damage to the tire beads or the wheel rim couldresul ...

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