Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Tire Dismounting and Mounting Wheels

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Chassis / Wheels/Tires / Tire Dismounting and Mounting Wheels

Caution:Use a tire changing machine in order to dismount tires. Donot use hand tools or tire irons alone in order to remove the tirefrom the wheel. Damage to the tire beads or the wheel rim couldresult.

Caution:Do not scratch or damage the clear coating on aluminum wheelswith the tire changing equipment. Scratching the clear coatingcould cause the aluminum wheel to corrode and the clear coating topeel from the wheel.

Caution:Damage to either the tire bead or the wheel mounting holescan result from the use of improper wheel attachment or tiremounting procedures. It takes up to 70 seconds for all of the airto completely exhaust from a large tire. Failure to follow theproper procedures could cause the tire changer to put enough forceon the tire to bend the wheel at the mounting surface. Such damagemay result in vibration and/or shimmy, and under severe usage leadto wheel cracking.

Remove the valve core from the valve stem.Deflate the tire completely.

Note:Rim-clamp European-type tire changers are recommended.

Use the tire changer in order to remove the tire from the wheel. Follow steps-4–7to remove the tire from the wheel.

Tire Dismounting and Mounting Wheels

When separating the tire bead from the wheel, position the bead breaking fixture 90,180 and 270-degrees from the valve stem.

Caution:Failure to position valve stem in proper position whiledismounting and mounting the tire may result in the TPM sensor tobecome damaged.

Position the wheel and tire so the valve stem is at the 7-o'clock position relativeto the head. Apply tire bead lubricant to the pry bar to prevent damage to the tirebead. The tire iron or pry bar can be inserted when prying the outer tire bead upand over the mounting/dismounting head.

Tire Dismounting and Mounting Wheels

Position the wheel and tire so the valve stem is again at the 7-o'clock position relativeto the head. The tire iron or pry bar can be inserted when prying the inner tire beadup and over the mounting/dismounting head.Remove all residual liquid sealant from the inside of the tire and wheel surfaces.If any tire sealant is noted upon tire dismounting on vehicles equipped with TPM,replace the tire pressure sensor. Refer toTire Pressure Indicator Sensor Replacement.Use medium coarseness steel wool in order to remove any rubber, light rust or corrosionfrom the wheel bead seats.

Caution:When mounting the tires, use an approved tire mountinglubricant. DO NOT use silicon or corrosive base compounds tolubricate the tire bead and the wheel rim. A silicon base compoundcan cause the tire to slip on the rim. A corrosive type compoundcan cause tire or rim deterioration.

Apply mounting lubricant to the tire bead and the wheel rim. Refer toAdhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers.

Tire Dismounting and Mounting Wheels

Position the rim so the valve stem-(1) is at the 7-o'clock position relative to thehead-(2). This will protect the sensor when the bottom bead seats.

Tire Dismounting and Mounting Wheels


Using the tire machine, rotate the tire/wheel assembly clockwise when transferringthe tire bead to the inside of the wheel rim. Ensure that the valve stem-(1) is atthe 7-o'clock position.

Tire Dismounting and Mounting Wheels

After the bottom bead is on the wheel, reposition the wheel and tire so that the valvestem-(1) is at the 7-o'clock position relative to the head. This will protect thesensor while mounting the tire bead to the outside of the wheel.

Tire Dismounting and Mounting Wheels

Use the tire changer in order to install the tire to the wheel.

Warning:To avoid serious personal injury, do not stand over tire wheninflating. The bead may break when the bead snaps over the safetyhump. Do not exceed 275-kPa (40-psi) pressurewhen inflating any tire if beads are not seated. If275-kPa (40-psi) pressure will not seat thebeads, deflate, relubricate the beads and reinflate. Overinflationmay cause the bead to break and cause serious personalinjury.

Inflate the tire until it passes the bead humps. Be sure that the valve core is notinstalled at this time.Install the valve core to the valve core stem.Inflate the tire to the proper air pressure.Ensure that the locating rings are visible on both sides of the tire in order to verifythat the tire bead is fully seated on the wheel.
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