Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Tire Dismounting and Mounting (Match Mounting) Wheels

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Chassis / Wheels/Tires / Tire Dismounting and Mounting (Match Mounting) Wheels

Match mounting is required on any wheel/tire assembly notwithin RFV specification.

Important:If a wheel/tire assembly is not within the RFV specificationafter match mounting, the tire must be returned to the tiremanufacturer.

All wheel weights should be removed prior to matchmounting.Match mounting is required on any assembly where the RFVreadings are out of spec.Match mounting identified in the high spot of the tire andmatches it with the low spot on the rim.Marks must be aligned +/- 25mm PRIOR to inflation.
Tire Dismounting and Mounting (Tire Inflation) Wheels
Make sure beads of tire are fully seated.Tires are to be inflated to vehicle tire placard spec forproduction assemblies and to placard spec provided with accessorywheels. ...

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Memory steer is when the vehicle wants to lead or pull in thedirection the driver previously turned the vehicle. Additionally,after turning in the opposite direction, the vehicle will want tolead or p ...

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