1 | Torque Converter Assembly Note:Failure to lower the torque converter straight down could damage the torque converterclutch lip seal inside the torque converter clutch assembly. Special Tool DT-46409 Torque Converter Lifting Handles For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools. |
2 | DT-21366 Converter Holding Strap Warning:The torque converter must be held to the torque converterhousing by a retaining device such as shipping brackets. Withoutthe retaining device, the torque converter may slide forward,disengaging the oil pump, or may fall completely out of thetransmission causing personal injury and/or property damage. |
#10-00-89-005C: Warranty Administration - Revised Wiring Repair Labor Operations and Required Additional Information - (May 7, 2013)
Subject:Warranty Administration – Revised Wiring Repair Labor Operations and Required AdditionalInformationModels: 2014 and Prior GM Passenger Cars and Light Duty Trucks This bulletin is being revised to add the 2014 model year and labor codes. Pleasediscard Corporate Bulletin Number 10-00-89- ...