Inspection ProcedureRemove the front wheel drive shaft inner joint and boot.Refer toFront Wheel Drive Shaft Inner Joint and Boot Replacement.
Remove the wheel drive shaft tripodbushing-(1)-from the tripodhousing-(3).Remove the wheel drive shaft tripodhousing-(3)-from the wheel driveshaft.Remove the wheel drive shaft tripod joint bootbushing-(1).Using a suitable cleaner, remove the excess grease from thetripod assembly.Inspect the following items for damage or excessivewear:The wheel drive shaft tripod bootThe wheel drive shaft tripod assemblyThe wheel drive shaft tripod joint housingThe wheel drive shaft tripod joint bushingThe wheel drive shaftIf any of the internal parts are found to be excessively wornor damaged, replace the wheel drive shaft inner joint and boot.Refer toFront Wheel Drive Shaft Inner Joint and Boot Replacement.
Tire Rotation Wheels
Tires should be rotated every 12-000 km (7,500-mi). SeeMaintenance Schedule. Tires are rotated to achieve a uniform wear for all tires. The first rotation is themost important. Anytime unusual wear is noticed, rotate the tires as soon as possible, check for propertire inflation pressure, and check ...