All U.S. GM Dealers participating in the Center of Learning / GM Service TechnicalCollege (STC) Programs can enroll through the Center of Learning website at the website, there are individual training paths that are designed to assistin planning the training needs for each individual and their job role. Dealers whohave questions about Center of Learning Training should contact the Center of Learninghelp desk at 1-888-748-2687. The help desk is available Monday through Friday, 8:00-am– 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time, excluding holidays. For GM Access support, contactthe GM Access Help Desk at 1-888-337-1010.
FleetsGM Fleet customers with GM Warranty In-Shop agreements are able to participate inservice technical training through the Center of Learning/GM Service Technical College(STC).
Assistance for GM fleet registered customers using GM STC training is provided bythe Center of Learning help desk at 1-888-748-2687. The help desk is available Mondaythrough Friday, 8:00-am–9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time, excluding holidays. For GMAccess support, contact the GM Access Help Desk at 1-888-337-1010.
Most GM STC course materials have associated charges.
To purchase authentic GM STC Training Materials, contact the GM Training MaterialsHeadquarters at 1-800-393-4831.
Non-GM Dealer TechniciansTechnician training for non-GM dealers is available through ACDelco. This trainingis for ACDelco PSC and Fleet program members employed in the automotive or truck serviceindustry.
ACDelco courses are available at approved GM STC Training Centers. Availability andschedules can be obtained by calling 1-800-825-5886 (prompt 1) or contact us via theweb at and select the Training tab. Seminars are also offeredthrough the ACDelco Warehouse Distribution channel. Contact your Local ACDelco representativeor distributor directly for more information.
Channel Plate - Control Solenoid (w/Body and TCM) Valve Assembly Side Automatic Transmission Unit
Channel Plate-–-ControlSolenoid (w/Body and TCM) Valve Assembly Side(2)Line(11)Actuator Feed Limit(12)PCS Line(13)PCS R1/456 Clutch(14)Shift Solenoid(18)PCS 35 Reverse Clutch(25)PCS 1234 Clutch(31)PCS 26 Clutch(34)PCS TCC(36)Exhaust(37)Void ...