Danger:Text marked { Danger provides information on risk of fatal injury. Disregarding this informationmay endanger life.
Warning:Text marked { Warning provides information on risk of accident or injury. Disregarding this informationmay lead to injury.
Caution:Text marked { Caution provides information that may indicate a hazard that could result in injuryor death. It could also result in possible damage to the vehicle.
A circle with a slash through it is a safety symbol which means “Do Not,” “Do notdo this,” or “Do not let this happen.”
Registered and Non-Registered Trademarks
Listed below are Registered Trademarks (®) or Non-Registered Trademarks (™) whichmay appear in this service manual.Registered and Non-Registered Trademarks AAC®ACCUTURN®ACDelco®Active Fuel Management™Acuzinc®Airbank®Allison®AMMCO®AUTOFUSE®AUTOTRAC® BBendix®Bluetooth®BON-AMI®Bosch®B ...