Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Danger, Warnings, and Cautions

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Vehicle - General / Danger, Warnings, and Cautions

Danger:Text marked { Danger provides information on risk of fatal injury. Disregarding this informationmay endanger life.

Warning:Text marked { Warning provides information on risk of accident or injury. Disregarding this informationmay lead to injury.

Caution:Text marked { Caution provides information that may indicate a hazard that could result in injuryor death. It could also result in possible damage to the vehicle.

Danger, Warnings, and Cautions

A circle with a slash through it is a safety symbol which means “Do Not,” “Do notdo this,” or “Do not let this happen.”

Danger:In order to reduce the chance of death, personal injuryand/or property damage, carefully observe the instructions thatfollow:The service manuals of General Motors are intended for use byprofess ...

DealersAll U.S. GM Dealers participating in the Center of Learning / GM Service TechnicalCollege (STC) Programs can enroll through the Center of Learning website at ...

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Use or to choose the Trip, Vehicle, or Eco menus. Use or to scroll through items in each menu. Trip/Fuel Menu (TRIP) Items Speed : Displays how fast the vehicle is moving in either kilometers per hour (km/h) or miles per hour (mph). The speedometer cannot be reset. Trip 1 or Trip 2, A ...

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