The propeller shaft assembly is a 2-piece design.The front shaft consists of a plunging A-type constantvelocity joint at the front and a universal joint and yoke at therear.
The rear shaft consists of a center bearing and a centeryoke, which are pressed onto the rear half of the propshaft andretained by a snap ring. The front and rear shafts are joinedtogether at the yokes with a universal joint. The rear shaftattaches to the axle with a flange which is attached to the rearshaft with a universal joint.
The center bearing provides support where the front and rearshafts mate and is bolted to the underbody. The front constantvelocity joint is bolted to the power take-off unit(PTU), and the rear universal joint flange is bolted to the reardifferential.
Front Bumper Fascia Opening Cover Replacement Bumpers Front Bumper
Front Bumper Fascia Opening Cover ReplacementCalloutComponent Name1Front Bumper Fascia Opening Cover Push-In Retainer(Qty:-3)ProcedureDisengage the front retainer by the grille.2Front Bumper Fascia Opening Cover RetainerProcedureRotate and pull the cover up.3Front Bumper Fascia Opening Cover ...